Monday, November 5, 2007

New York

These are just a few pictures of the trip to New York we went on. The first is our gracious host all his glory. Then we have the New York sky-line, the triangular building, a view from atop the Empire State building, Time Square at night, inside Central Park looking out, and a shot from somewhere in New York state (pretty huh? who new there was more to New York than concrete and steel?) all his glory New York sky line

the flat iron building (you know, the triangular one) A view from atop the Empire State Building Time Square at night!

Inside Central Park looking out. Greenery in New York?!? Who woulda' thunk it?


Hunter Family said...

Cool picture...why's it sideways? I'm glad you were able to figure out how to post pictures. Now I can't wait to see a picture of snow!

Hunter Family said...

OK... now that you fixed the sideways picture, my comment doesn't make sense!

MicMoor77 said...

I don't recall signing a consent form for you to use my likeness in your blogspot. I'll let it slide this time since I look so sexy cramming my hole with White Castle.

Anyway, the "triangular building" is actually named the Fuller Building, but commonly called the Flatiron Building. Do you know why?

The shot from "somewhere in New York state" is from Bear Mountain. It is the Bear Mountain Bridge crossing the Hudson River. This is less than 1 hour north of Manhattan. It is quite representative of what most of NY is really about. Lots of trees, rivers, and rolling mountains.

It was nice having you guys visit. You should come again when Matt moves up here.

bethany said...

our brother is HOT!!!! and lib is right - her comment doesn't make any sense.... then again, this IS libby we are talking about!!!

Darlene Moore said...

My kids are so

Darlene Moore said...

who are those people in the pictures above your bed?